Retail and Leisure Projects

The Retail arm of FJBS takes pride after 35 years with its in-depth experience of a wide variety of projects to undertake schemes through design & build and traditional form of contract. In all cases emphasis is placed on completing projects safely, on time, on budget and to the highest standards. Many clients return with repeat business.

Our Retail and Leisure Projects

If you’re interested in learning more about our high calibre service and outstanding Retail and Leisure projects, please contact FJBS via
e-mail or by telephone 01253 894949.

Duncan Raistrick Estate Agents - Blackpool

New shopfront replacement along with first and second façade floor total refirbishment.

Office Block - Blackpool

We were contracted to strip out and provide modern bespoke offices to the award winning Glasdon operation department.

Royal Lytham
& St Annes Golf Club

FJBS Ltd have created welcoming atmosphere within the historic Club dining area. With an extension to the kitchen.